Training for healthcare, medical and legal professionals
Having worked in clinical health psychology within University and NHS settings and published research in peer reviewed journals, I am sometimes asked to provide training on topics within clinical heath psychology. I may offer this in collaboration with longstanding colleagues with similar experience and expertise.
You may work in a health or social care setting where you support and care for people affected by illness. Or you may be a legal professional wanting to build on your understanding of the needs of clients who are dealing with changes in their health. We offer training to meet your requirements.
Contact us now to discuss bespoke training for your organisation
We would be happy to discuss provision of training on topics such as:
- Psychological effects of illness
- Psychological effects of dealing with cancer
- Psychological issues for woman considering risk reducing mastectomy
- Breaking bad news
What do people say about our training?
The following comments have been received following training provided by Clinical Psychology Services North West
“Very informative and enjoyable”
“Found the session to be useful, to be able to reflect on previous personal experiences ”
“Enjoyed the role plays and different experiences”
“Format of steps in breaking news, very useful”